New Industrial Explosion Protection Brochure
A new brochure from BS&B Pressure Safety Management L.L.C. describes the available products and services for successful management of deflagration risks within process plants. The brochure is available for download here
OSHA Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program
A review of over 200 dust explosion incidents by the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) resulted in their November 2006 call for a “national regulatory standard for combustible dust hazards” in the United States. Read More
Solutions to meet the requirement of your Dust Hazard Analysis
The relevant NFPA Standards for combustible dusts all now require a Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA) to be completed for all new and existing facilities and for suitable dust explosion protection measures to be implemented. The last deadline was January 1, 2022 for agricultural and food processing facilities covered by NFPA 61. All other industries had a deadline of September 7, 2020. BS&B provides a complete range of solutions to help you meet the dust explosion protection needs identified in your DHA. Click here for our brochures.
Global Contacts for Explosion Protection
Contact a member of our dust explosion protection team to assist you with selecting solutions for your facility.
Explosion Protection Systems
Common industrial processes have the potential for a dust explosion. Where combustible material is conveyed, filtered, heated, milled, or sprayed in a fine powdered form, the three elements of the ‘explosion triangle’ can combine: dust + air + ignition. When these occur in a confined and unprotected process volume with the dust dispersed, a deflagration can trigger resulting in an immediate overpressure and flameball.

An explosion risk assessment will typically recommend that a series of protection measures be implemented ranging from improvements in housekeeping to investment in protection equipment. Applying protection technology requires that the constraints of the process equipment, building facilities, environment and budgets are taken into account in achieving the level of personnel safety required by codes and standards.
Flexibility is provided by BS&B’s proven range of protection technology that includes explosion venting, explosion suppression, a choice of chemical
& mechanical systems for the isolation of interconnected process equipment and spark detection & extinguishing equipment to manage a source of both dust explosion ignition and fire.
Explosion protection requires careful planning – contact BS&B.