Explosion Suppression

BS&B Type IPD explosion suppression systems use a lightweight modular design to deliver extinguishing agents into a rapidly developing fire to suppress it before reaching destructive proportions. A typical system consists of a Unitized Sensor, a Power Supply Module, a System Monitor and several Explosion Suppression "Cannons."
The Explosion Suppression Cannon module propels the extinguishing agent into the developing fireball of an explosion. Because the developing explosion has a head start on the actuation of the suppression system, the system must be rapidly actuated. Dynamic activation breaks up any compaction of dry chemical extinguishing agents, and releases stored pressure to deliver the agent at a very rapid rate. The function of the agent is to extract heat from the developing fireball. The amount of heat generated is a function of the size of the fireball, and the size grows rapidly with time. This requires that the Suppression System must react very quickly.
Process pressure is monitored by the Unitized Sensor module which contains three individual sensors and electronic logic to trigger Cannon modules. If two of three sensors indicate that a sufficient pressure rise of an explosive nature has occurred, the logic circuit delivers an activation signal to the Cannons. The individual sensors are programmed to actuate the system based on a pre-determined pressure rise typical of an explosion, as opposed to gradual process pressure increases. The Unitized Sensors can be configured to allow for operation of the process at vacuum.
The System Monitor provides intrinsically safe power to the Sensors and Cannons. It interprets signals from the Unitized Sensor and indicates system status through dedicated LEDs. For external signaling and monitoring purposes, this module has relays for remote signaling and process shutdown.
The Power Supply Module supplies 24 VDC to the system with either 120 or 220/240 VAC line voltage input. Batteries within the Power Supply Module are maintained on continuous charge and provide power to the Explosion Suppression System if input power is lost.
With the Cannon and Sensor modules powered at intrinsically safe levels, ordinary conduit can be used to run wiring, eliminating the need for expensive, explosion-proof hardware and related installation costs.
The four-component modular system has been engineered not only for the protection of process equipment, but also to safeguard personnel who must install and maintain the safety system. Optional system lockout features assure maintenance personnel that there will be no accidental or process triggering of the system while they carry out maintenance work. The lockout has provision for attaching a standard OSHA padlock device.
After an explosion has been successfully contained by discharge of the Cannon modules, they can be refitted on-site. Components necessary for refit can be kept on-site without the need for special licensing for storage or handling. The original cannon and sensor modules can be refurbished, avoiding the need for a complete exchange of hardware. This capability significantly reduces the cost of ownership of the BS&B IPD explosion suppression system.
For more information on the BS&B Type IPD Explosion Suppression System, please contact us at 1-800-BSB-DISK or [email protected].